
This blog is evolving because I am evolving. It’s about my creative life—I am intensely curious about the creative process. Sometimes I get personal because life happens. I’m also a passionate designer and I think we can learn from both bad and good design alike. I like to explore any and all creative pursuits, because I believe every creative experience has value that can help me in my own journey. This blog is devoted to everyone who seeks a distinct creative voice and has committed themselves to the creative life.

About me:

Dan Holst Soelberg reading Rising Strong by Brené Brown drawingMy name is Dan Holst Soelberg and I am an artist, writer and graphic designer. I am hooked by stories that both celebrate and poke fun at humanity’s disturbing predilections and preoccupation with fear. I love myths and their underlying meaning that informs my personal human journey through life, and guides whole civilizations. I also like fart jokes, beautiful art and a well designed mug. I lean towards things that are “indie” and I think feminism is an incredibly important and relevant movement.

2015 Soelberg Family Portrait drawing penI live in a terribly ordinary suburban townhouse in Burlington, Ontario with my wife and two children. I still stay up too late most nights and eat an obscene amount of popcorn while I watch net-streamed movies and those things we used to call tv shows but now exist completely separate from television.

I have been exhibiting my books and other wares at comic conventions and literary festivals in southern Ontario lately. If you want to meet me, please follow my event updates on facebook and twitter.

You can email me at dhsoelberg@gmail.com

Here are a few other places you can connect and see more of my work:




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